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    Reversed Tulip

    Reversed tulip (ters lale) is an endemic species in natural flora of Hakkari, and mostly grows in centrum as well as in Şemdinli and Yüksekova. The name "reversed tulip" comes from its tulip-like flowers facing down. Due to its fragile, showy and beautiful flowers glooming during early spring and autumn it is very important as a decoration plant, also due to the ease of live transporting and producing in other geographies thanks to its underground organs it is considered as one of the geofit plants.

    Nergis Flower

    Nergis flower grows only in summer and it is worth to see its light-yellow colors within plateau environment it grows in. It is known that the flower had been used by traditional healers to heal wounds between fingers, asthma and fungus until recent times. And it is used as perfume in homes by putting into water to let its fragrance.


    Hakkari plateaus have unique wonders. Various endemic plants can be seen in their natural habitat in Avehark, Berçelan, Mergan, Bala, Cilo and Sat plateaus.